Friday, December 7, 2007

Disappointing: First Tech Minneapolis, MN

Besides being a barista, jaded political commentator and cycling afficionado, I'm also a freelance web-developer (aka geek). I just got an iPhone through the studio I work for (Space2burn) yesterday. Besides being stoked about getting the phone, I was also concerned about protecting it. I knew that getting a case and protective screen for it was a top priority. So after a extra long day of coding, I ran to the closest licensed Apple dealer, First Tech, Inc in Uptown.

I checked out there store times online, and, in my weary state, misread the open time as the close time. So I got there at 8:05pm thinking they would be open until 8:30pm. They, as I was to find out the hard way, close at 8pm (special holiday hours).

So I arrive at their front door, still thinking they were supposed to be open until 8:30pm. I saw about 8 people in the shop, and they just turned off the main lights as I knocked at the door. A young woman came to the door and asked if I was with some group. I said I wasn't, and she said they were closed. I explained that I read that they were open until 8:30pm, and she said I was wrong. She then asked if I knew what I was looking for. I said, yes, that I just needed a protective screen for my new iPhone. She must've decided she was bored with dealing with me, because at this point she said "sorry, dude" and then closed the door, locked it, and walked away.

I stood at the door a little perplexed because it seemed like she was going to help, at least for a moment. Why else would she ask me what I was looking for? None of the others in the store took any interest in me, and a couple of them looked at me as though I were a lunatic. All in all, the person at the door was condescending and didn't seem to have any interest in having me leave with a good impression of her or the store. She could have easily told me that they couldn't help me at that time and encourage me to come back the next day. But she didn't attempt to show simple courtesy. Nope, she just said "sorry, dude" and then walked away.

I spent $1200 that year at that store. As a web developer that uses predominantly Mac products, it is likely I would have spent more money there in the upcoming years. I also work for a successful web-design studio that uses Mac products extensively. I wasn't so much mad as I was surprised, because even the most apathetic retail employee will at least show some courtesy. Even a regurgitated "sorry, please come again" would have been better than the absolute lack of interest that First Tech employee showed me.

A good friend of mine, a highly experienced and respected web-developer, told me of similar experiences with First Tech. In his case, he had a Mac laptop that he brought in 3 times, and each time the same failure occurred. Each time he brought it in, he asked them to do the same thing- check to see if the RAM was causing the failure to occur. When he eventually took it elsewhere to be repaired, guess what the problem was? That's right, the RAM. But why would they listen to the customer? Of course not- what do they know?

Needless to say, I'm not going back there. Yes, they are the closest Apple dealer to my place, but its not worth the attitude.

So what do I have to say to First Tech?

"Sorry dude."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stumbled upon this randomly...Strange experience here. Are you aware that FirstTech is not allowed to sell the iPhone? Apple Corporate choking them with their strong fist... I know I would have rather supported local business by purchasing my iPhone there, but sadly they had to turn me and countless others away.
Perhaps when you said iPhone, the female at the door assumed they couldn't help you and informed you as such. Plus, if you have EVER worked retail you would know that the people that come to the door after close can be very intimidating not only because you are all ready to go home after a long un-rewarding day, but sometimes because they are not customers at all, they are threats to your personal security.
Too bad you would choose to write off such a great family owned business based on ONE person and ONE experience. I personally wouldn't be so quick to judge (everyone has off days), but do your thing. I have personally vowed to NEVER go to Apple stores in the mall because as a creative professional myself, I require the experience of people that can do more than just read off the side of a box. FirstTech provides this to me and have saved me hundreds of hours/dollars helping me make the right purchase (during regular business hours of course).
Just thought I would share my perspective.