Saturday, July 26, 2008

Confirms what we already knew...

...but it still pisses me off. Cheap YouTube clip for the weekend. A little reality before relaxing from it.

And while we're on the subject, Nas has been taking his beef with Fox to the streets... with a petition.

And if you missed Nas on Colbert this week, check it out. It's one of the funniest pieces of quasi-journalism I've seen since Geraldo went to Iraq. Here's a line from the beginning of the show:
"...Starbucks is closing 600 stores. Now what are all those baristas going to do before band practice?"

And Nas performs "Sly Fox," off his latest LP and, as you might've figured out, is also an attack on Fox News. Fox started the beef- they should have known better and went after a punk like Lil' Wayne. I mean Nas had a feud with Jay-Z, and I doubt O'Reilly could handle the mic after a Nas beatdown.

1 comment:

Me [LFoaB] said...

What the fuck are you man... a Hip Hop reporter for People Ragazine?

What did Jay-Z eat for lunch last Wed. in NYC?
