Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All Hail Unexpected Exposure (That Wasn't)

So yesterday I commented about how someday I might feel the power of the Stevil Bump by him linking to my site again. He did it once for reasons I can't remember (it probably had something to do with bacon) and it was fun to watch my little blog get all sorts of new visitors. It made Google Analytics fun again. Well, what should I see right afterwards when I checked out All Hail the Black Market but myself in the banner image for the site.

photo allegedly by Steve Smith

CORRECTION: that ain't me. Balls. Steve Smith was kind enough to send me a bigger pic, which under further examination revealed that bike and its rider to be someone else. Clearly, the person I mistook for myself has great taste and is strikingly handsome. At this point in the derby, I was probably licking my wounds from being knocked out by none other than Gene-O. Que sera sera. This is a cool pic, all things considered. It was a stellar homie.

I'm the guy on the gold bike behind the fella in the middle, front and center. I wasn't quite sure it was me, to be honest. But I knew that the bike was mine, and eventually I became convinced that the knucklehead on the bike could be none other than myself. I guess I will call it serendipity.

I am excited about getting my real site up soon. It will be nice to show off some of the work I've done on the web. Heck, I might even get a little work out of it. I also plan on devoting part of the site to helping the DIY-set who don't want to pay someone like me to build them a site. Being a fan and advocate of the open source philosophy, I look forward to it. Some might call this counter-productive, but methinks they miss the point about the web. It is about possibility. It is about creativity. It is about (cue the theremin music) the future.

Postrad for a better tomorrow. It's like the WWF, except with less pandas. Or Macho Man Randy Savages, depending on which WWF you think of first. Which is why I leave you with this image:

Oh yeah, snap into a Zhen Zhen!

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